The trailer of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Since this is also my opening post I guess I'll introduce myself first... My name is Victor, but I am mostly known around the web as Vicener. (Hence the name of the blog.) I live in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. It's a little piece of heaven, or hell sometimes, located in the the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of the Virgin Islands. You can learn more about the island here. (Thanks to Wikipedia!) As you might or might not have noticed I am a fan of the Harry Potter series. I started reading the book a little bit before Order of the Phoenix was released and since I've followed the series. Recently I got a bit more into the fandom and I've started listening to some Wizard Rock. I don't own a huge wrock collection, but I manage with what I listen on Myspace and on podcasts. One of my favorite wrock bands is the Weasel King. So as I get more into it I find out about this podcast dedicated to wrock, WZRD. I start listening and I decied to visit their Myspace. Well, it wasn't always as organized as it is now... So I decided to help the girls out. (Girls = Jamie and Amy, though they are both older than me I keep refering to them as girls...) So after coming up with a new style for the Myspace page they ask me if I could do something for their website, so I did something. XP Just go to the page and tell me what you think.
So enought talking about myself, well atleast for now, lets talk about the Harry Potter trailer! :D I am just amazed at the level of darkness and creepynes that the directors managed to put into the trailer. I love the actor they chose for Tom he is really talented and somehow reminds me of the kid from the Omen. I loved how they materialized the vials of memories, they look so delicate and yet so cool. One thing that bugs me a bit is how Dubledore's office keeps revealing "sectret areas" that are supposed to be there from the start, but I guess that not even the directors knew that that certain things would keep appearing. The trailer wants you know more of the story, even though you've already read it. XD All in all I loved the trailer and waiting for it was worth it. I hope you enjoyed it and well... I guess this is it for today's entry. I'll come up with more stuff to write soon, I hope... XP